A Camp For Your Youth Group
Without the challenge of property maintenance and ownership
There are many wonderful programs for children and young adults that gets kids active and moving in the outdoors. Although it would be nice, having the responsibility and expense of owning their own campground is impractical if not prohibitive for many groups.
Lantern Light Camps provides a cost-effective solution. LLC develops partnerships with youth serving agencies that allows those groups to add a camping and outdoor element to their program. Lantern Light Camps format is flexible with multiple options for both year-round as well as summer camp programs for groups that would benefit from the use of the reservation.
Click the box below and we are happy to discuss options, cost and develop plans.
This plan is for agencies and groups
that require minimal support. Basically renting the facilitates and providing their own staff.
This is a partnership program between the agency/group and Lantern Light. Lantern Light Camps provides housing, health services (nurse) and food services. LLC provides staff for waterfront and selected program areas. LLC consults with the groups on program design. The agency or youth group bring their own campsite staff leadership as well as any agency specific programs.
In this plan Lantern Light Camps provides all staff for all programs. The agency or group promotes and helps design the experience for their youth.